8 Top Facebook groups you need if you want to grow and monetize your blog

8 top facebook groups you need if you want to grow and monetize your blog

Considering how long I've been blogging, I'm relatively new to discovering the gems of the Facebook blogging community. There are so many groups dedicated to helping you succeed; with everything from social media shares, to helping you decide the best platform for your blog and opportunities to monetize it. In this article I'm going to  recommend some of my favourites and hopefully it will help your blog to grow.

Official UK Bloggers
UK Bloggers is a really useful community of bloggers that help everyone from the newbies to the seasoned pros. They have weekly posts in which you can share your latest blog or youtube video and even a place you can submit the link to a competition you're hosting. Occasionally you'll find there are opportunities posted that can be everything from an invite to an event or a sponsored post.
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UK Blogger Opportunities
This is one of my favourite groups as it has so many opportunities that you can apply for. Every week PR's, or brand outreach will post briefs for sponsored posts and events. The briefs are often very varied and can cover everything from toys to holidays and beauty. Obviously you're not going to be suitable for everything but it's a good group to join, hover and apply when you think you'll be a good fit.
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UK Bloggers PR Unite
UK Bloggers PR Unite is  bit of a mixed bag, where you can share links to your latest post and apply for an opportunity such as aas a sponsored post. I have to say this group is not as busy as some of the others in terms of PR requests and does tend to be more of a post share group. We all need a place to promote our links however and this is a good place to start.
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Fundamentals of Blogging
If you're looking for a bit of help and advice on your blogging journey then Fundamentals of Blogging is the group for you. The group is full of  bloggers who are happy to help or point you in the right direction when you're not sure on what direction to take next.
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The Blogging Squad
If you're new to blogging you may want to grow your social media pages. The Blogging Squad is a fantastic place to do that as they regularly post threads where you can post your Twitter, Facebook, Youtube or even blog subscription page. Those taking part in the thread will follow you or subscribe to your blog helping you to grow your following. You do actually have to reciprocate however and follow, comment or join the other participants pages. If you don't you will not be able to join in the thread again. They also have blogging advice.
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Blogger Opportunities
If you're looking for more blog opportunities then this group is a great place to try. It's got just as many opportunities as UK Blogger Opportunities although you may see dupes. The requests are varied with everything from travel to vaping.
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Blogger Collab Giveaways UK
Competitions are a fabulous ways of gaining traction and getting traffic to your blog. When running a competition you want to give away something that you know people will love - and that can get expensive. If you want to host a competition on your blog but you can't really afford it Blogger Collab Giveaways UK may be perfect for you. The group admin will post a Google form asking for anyone who is interested in taking part in a group giveaway. Everyone puts in £10 and then a big prize is chosen that everyone can put on their blog. The entrant will have to follow most of the blogs involved in order to get the best chance of winning the competition. There's normally only one prize so a lot less admin then a typical competition as well.
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Grow Your Blog
If you're looking for another group to share or promote your social media you may want to try Grow Your Blog. They have daily threads where you can post links to your Pinterest, Facebook or blog to get more follows. To take part you will have to follow/comment on all the other uses commenting on the thread.
Join here 

In order to join most of the groups listed above you will have to request membership as the groups are often closed to outsiders. They might ask you for a link to your blog but generally you're accepted pretty quickly. Have fun blogging!


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