How to save money as a new pet owner

how to save money as a new pet owner

A couple of months ago I got my kitten Tara. Initially I was a little naive and didn't think the cost of owning an animal was that excessive. Experience has taught me never to underestimate the cost of having a pet.

Owning an animal can cost up to £40,000 and that can leave quite a dent in your bank balance. Whilst this figure is excessive, and it does depend on the animal and your lifestyle you will find you'll spend more than you first thought. You have to take into account bedding, food, litter trays (if you have a cat), toys, leads, pet carriers and vet costs.

Whilst Tara is my little bundle of joy I would've loved to have known how to save some money when buying her. Here's some tips you can use so you can keep as much money in the bank as possible.

Get pet insurance
It may seem like yet another outgoing every month but in the long run pet insurance is a great idea. If your animal got sick or hurt in an accident you'll have to fork out the full cost of a bill without insurance - and what if you couldn't afford it? Don't take the risk. Think strategically and you can even get cashback on top of your new pet insurance purchase.
Check out my article on 28 ways to save money.

Save money on grooming
This probably won't affect the cat owner so much (depending on the breed) but dog grooming costs can soon rack up. Why not learn how to groom your pet by watching videos on Youtube and save yourself a bit of money by doing it yourself.

Make your own toys
The principle of a lot of pet toys is pretty simple. They are designed for your pet to chase or bring back to you. Why not be innovative and come up with some of your own inventions - a stuffed sock perhaps.

Wipe your pet before they come inside
Cats and dogs are one of the biggest offenders when it comes to dragging mud through the house. Instead of wasting paper towels unnecessarily grab a old towel and wipe their paws.

Save money on leads
To save money on leads you need to be buying the more expensive quality products. Whilst it may seem a little backwards to spend a lot of money on leads, pricier items are made with better materials that tend to last. Cheaper leads are more likely to suffer wear and tear and you'll probably find you'll be replacing it a lot more.

Consider getting your animal from a shelter
Whilst this tip is probably useless if you've already bought your pet, it's great if you're still considering it. Your heart may be set on a pedigree kitten or puppy and you may think a shelter won't be able to offer you that. Whilst it's true younger animals get snapped up quickly, if you visit regularly, perhaps around the New Year you're more likely to find the kind of animal you want at a fraction of the cost of a breeder. You'll often get certain freebies thrown in - neutering and microchipping - that you'd have to pay for yourself normally.

Keep up to date with treatments
Things like worming and flea treatments should always be kept up to date to keep your animal healthy. If you don't you'll be paying a lot more to get them healthy again!

Sign up to Pets at Home
When I first got Tara I signed up to Pets at Home loyalty card. Every couple of months I get sent money off vouchers and I think they even offer a free vet check (don't quote me on that!).

Consider secondhand
If your pet is a pro at destroying its bedding then it can be pretty expensive to replace it all the time. Instead of buying new why not try Ebay or Gumtree for second hand bargains?

Train your pet yourself
If your animal is disobedient the first thing you'll be doing is googling 'animal obedience classes'. Try to avoid that as it costs money and sometimes doesn't have any affect at all. Break your pets problems down and search up on ways you can tackle them, for free.

Take advantage of promotions
It's true even vets offer promotions. If your vet has a newsletter sign up to it or shop around looking for discounts so you can save money when it comes to taking your pet to the vet.

Avoid buying fashion accessories
They may look cute in it but is it really necessary?They do have a lovely coat of fur to keep them warm after all.


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