10 fun things to do on a rainy day

things to do on a rainy day

In the UK it probably rains 300 out of 365 days. With so much bad weather to contest with it's essential to come up with a foolproof plan of what to do on the days where the sun doesn't want to shine. Here's some of my faves.

1. Check out a new TV series or film on Netflix. Why not try a genre you wouldn't normally watch.

2. Have you been dying to read that book you bought 6 months ago but still haven't got round to it? What better time is there to snuggle up with a good book then a gloomy rainy day.

things to do on a rainy day baking

3. Bake some yummy cakes or biscuits.

4. Check out Youtube and try out a new makeup look or trend. Maybe film it live on Facebook if you want to showcase your new skills?

5. Clear out your wardrobe and get rid of any clothes you haven't won for at least 6 months (or simply don't like anymore). You can sell it on Ebay or donate them to charity.

things to do on a rainy day paint your nails

6. Paint your nails

7. Play a board game with your family. It will get you talking and you'll soon realise how much fun you're having.

8. Try something crafty - whether it's making handmade soap or cards, it's a fun way of making something for family and friends that has a personal touch.

things to do on a rainy day play video games

9. Play a video game. Simple but fun!

10. Enter some competitions - it's one of my favourite hobbies and can be so rewarding. This month I won a 55inch 4k TV!
Check out my article on how to win at competitions
You'll find more tips in my book How to win at competitions


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