How to make friends blogging

how to make friends blogging

The blogging community is made up of so many fabulous people. Whether you're fashion or beauty blogger there are people just like you interested in writing about the latest trends and products to hit the market. So how do you get closer to them?

Be yourself
Don't pretend to be like another blogger just because they're popular and have lots of followers. Believe me you won't be able to keep it up. Just be yourself and let your personality shine through.

Take part in Twitter chats
Every week there are a number of Twitter chats where different bloggers will talk about a certain topic. Whatever type of blogger you are there's a chat for you. People can get to know you, you'll find out about new content and you can even link swap at the end of the chat.
Read my Twitter 101 chat guide

Respond to your readers
If someone took the time to comment on your blog or write to you on social media then don't forget to reply. It can seem slightly one sided if your readers notice you never respond to messages you're left.

how to make friends blogging - let other bloggers know you like their work

Let other bloggers know you like their work
Have you read a blog post you've loved lately? Then let the blogger know. Everyone loves receiving comments, especially when they've put a lot of hard work into writing the post so they will be pleased to see it. A lot of bloggers will also pop by the commenters blog too.

Make your blog easy to follow
So you've got a couple of fans who enjoy your work and they want to make sure they're in the loop when you've got a new post. These fans will probably want to follow you on social media so make sure your icons are easy to find. If people have to hunt for them they'll give up and you'll have lost your chance to gain a new follower.

how to make friends blogging - interview other bloggers

Interview your fellow bloggers
Nothing could be more flattering then being asked to feature in a blog interview. Why not email your favourite blogger and ask if you can feature them in your blog?

Write a blog post about your favourite bloggers
You could even write a round up of your favourite bloggers and why you love their blogs. Once your post is complete tweet them their link and they'll probably share it too. What better way to start a blogging friendship?


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